Enrollment Information/Forms
District Boundaries

Continuing Students
Students who are continuing their enrollment in USD 313 and students who completed an application at a preschool or kindergarten application clinic will be sent an email to enroll online. This email will go to the guardian email address on file.
New Students to USD #313
The 2024/2025 school year begins with a new law pertaining to our enrollment of students whose address is not within our boundaries.
View our out of district capacity here
New students enroll at the building of attendance on a date yet to be determined in August from 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM. Please bring the documents listed below.
Proof of Residency - Kansas state approved list:
Kansas DL or ID renewal postcard
Current Kansas vehicle registration or title
Utility bill or equivalent no more than two months old
Financial institution such as a bank statement, deed or mortgage
Rent or lease agreement
Kansas Voter Registration Card
Current auto, life or homeowners insurance bill with applicant’s name and address
Current educational transcript/school grade card
Current professional license by a U.S. agency
Current W-2 or 1099
Mail from a federal, state, county or city agency
Department of Corrections Certificate of Identification
Certified Copy of Birth Certificate -
Age: Pre-school: if eligible, 3 or 4 years on or before August 31
Kindergarten: five years old on or before August 31
First Grade: six years old on or before August 31
Immunization Record
Health Assessment - Physical from most recent medical exam.
If you would like to preview the forms to be completed at the building, click below: (All forms will be available at the buildings)
Payment Options
Parents have the option to pay student fees by cash, check, or credit card. Please remember to bring cash or mail check payments to your child’s school BEFORE the first day of school. (Credit Cards accepted online only: Visa, MasterCard or Discover)
Free and Reduced Fees
Since the Covid-19 pandemic started in 2020, the federal government has supported schools and families with funds to pay for breakfast and lunch for all students. That program ended as of June 30, 2022.
Therefore, the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs will be reinstated for the 2022-2023 School Year. These will be offered at the paid, reduced or free rates depending on qualification. Families who believe they may qualify for free and reduced meals may complete a Free or Reduced Application at www.MySchoolApps.com (available 7/25/22), on our website or at enrollment for the 2022-2023 School Year. Families who do not qualify for free meals will be responsible for paying for their child(ren's) meals at the reduced or paid rates. You will be able to pay online for meals using MySchoolBucks.com on July 25th with open enrollment.
The District will continue to provide any added information regarding student meals. Please contact our Food Service Director at 620-543-5617 if you have any additional questions. Eligibility determination will be made according to the guidelines below. If you qualify you may be eligible to receive reduced fees beyond school meals as well. In order to receive benefits beyond free and reduced meals, you will need to complete the "Consent for Disclosure" form below.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Online free and reduced application
Athletic/Activities Link for PHMS and BHS
Need Help?
For Questions or assistance contact PowerSchool Administrator, Lindsay Wray, at 620-543-5612 or lwray@usd313.org.